Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm Staring Down Myself...Counting up the years

I want to write. I used to write every day. About anthing and everything. I did it so I could remember what my life was like at that very moment. See, I have journals dating back to 2003.... and it is so cool to look back and see how I've grown. I can think back and remember telling myself "Samantha, you would never remember this day 2o years from now if you didn't write about it." And its true, most of the days I used to write about I wouldnt even remember 1 year down the road. Because a.) I really dont remember much of anything.... and b.) even though those times didn't seem trivial to my 14 year old self... today they do. I often wonder, what would my 14 year old self say to my 19 year old self or vice versa? I can laugh at this thought... becuase I think that they would clash. My fourteen year old self would want to kill my nineteen year old self for wrecking her future life with a baby....and my nineteen year old self would want to kill my fourteen year old self for being so naive about life and basically asking for emotional and mental pain. Its amazing what 5 years can do to your mind, body, and soul.... Life is cool man...and thats as simple as i can put it. All deep thinking, and philisophical writings aside... life is the coolest thing ever. And I can't wait to see what will happen in five years... I'll be 24... I wonder what my 24 year old self will say to my 19 year old self... Hopefully it is somewhere a long the lines of..."Thank you for working so hard in school and getting a degree, that you for raising a well behaved 6 year old, and... thanks for keeping up on your writing. =]"

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